
dentures whitby oshawa


What is a denture?

If you are missing one or more teeth but are unable to proceed with dental implants – dentures and partial dentures may be the best alternative solution for you.

Dentures are used to replace several or even all teeth on both the top or bottom of your mouth. Most dentures are composed of hard resin and are meant to be taken out at night for cleaning and to give your mouth a chance to rest.

For more information on dental queries please call (905) 576-9197

Planning for a Healthy Teeth

There are options for immediate full or partial dentures where they are inserted the same day as your teeth removal. Immediate dentures require a reline due to the shrinkage of bone and gum over time.

Durham East Dental has a Denturist on-site, ready and willing to work with you and ensure you are properly taken care of.
